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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What does my future have in store for me? Written in three parts!!!

Every time we get up in the morning we may wonder what does the day have in store us.  As I move through my new life I wonder will it be a kind day or another gut twister that leaves me wondering why I got up in the first place.  Today was a little of both! 

As I move forward into my new life there are three things that will be critical in how I change myself. Millions of people go through life changing how to handle them is a whole other story.  So I am setting forth in trying to put my life back in order.

1. Reclaim my identity, well I have always been Mom, Sean's mom,  Sissy Faulkner, Dave's wife, Mrs Faulkner, so I had to think long and hard on this one.  I still want to be mom, and Sean's mom, but I no longer wanted to be the others, and I was being given no choice as I was no longer wanted as the latter two. I need to reconnect with who I was before I got married and merge it with who I was to become after my marriage was over.  How was my life going to be...simple, carefree and full of challenges.  

Now at 55, one can still enjoy the carefree and simple life, but I sure was intrigued by the challenges that await me.  Just thinking about trying to reclaim my identify at 55 seams scary as can be.  It sure seems a lot easier to stay hidden behind the Mrs. or the mom, but now I feel a little like sticking a foot out and exploring. 

Come back tomorrow to see my second step!


Mad River Mud Pottery and Art Studio said...

Love this post! Life is a constant state of flux, new adventures await just around the corner! But only if your willing to look forward and not back.

MarmePurl said...

I must be way, way behind on blog reading. So much going on. All the best to you Sissy. All the best always.