What happened to Sissy???

I’m sure it was the constant crying and finger twisting that
someone finally saw that I couldn't do it on my own and threw me a life
preserver. One long week I spent talking
to counselors, therapists, nurses, shrinks as I tried to pull myself
together. I was fighting a battle
against myself and the other party could have cared less. I was in it on my own. It would have to be me that put my foot down
and say stop. I was looking for that
person or med to drag me out of the mess, but no it had to be me. I had to face my demons alone and face them I
did. I was still fighting mad, I wanted revenge;
I wanted them to feel the hurt and pain that I had gone through while they sat
back and laughed about their hidden secret and how soon they would have a life

and kicking and ready to start something new. I must have all my strength back to stand up to what is to come so I’m taking it a little bit slower. I look back at the journals I wrote while trying to fix myself and I saw the hurt and pain in my words come up off the pages. Now I look forward to the healing and it feels much better.
My other half only worries about keeping his secret and what
he is going to lose to me. I do believe
down the road he will have to think a little more. He has laid waste to two marriages, and three
children just because he wanted to be happy, feel appreciated, and find someone
that could understand his situation that his first wives couldn't. It was so simple that he couldn't see it himself. He couldn't come to grips with himself that
he was a liar and a cheat with no care to who he hurt.
He had done this so many times within his two marriages he had been able
to justify it to himself. He was able to
live with what he had done as long as he never got caught. Once caught it was a terrible issue that he
had and only he could ever fix. It was
a sad issue because it had destroyed two families and many people's trust in him. Yet the one thing in common with everyone was
that this man was at the center of all the devastation. And yet thirty two years later he was at it
again. I truly feel sorry for him
because he will never see what he has done because he sees no reason to look himself in the
mirror and point the finger of blame. It
was always someone else not understanding his problem that they didn't know he
had. By no means will I ever say that he was a 100% to blame for the demise of the marriage it was just how he went about ending it is where I lay the blame.
Along with countless friends, a Chaplin, a Deacon, some
awesome nurses, a great therapist, and a
sister that wouldn't give up on me I’m slowly climbing out of my black hole and
seeing there is a whole new world out there waiting for me to get fixed and
join it.
I think I found Sissy!!!!
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