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Monday, December 9, 2013

Inner Peace!!

We all want to obtain some form of inner peace, whether it's with the neighbors, the kids, friends, or the soon to be ex.... How do we go about doing that is something that I have asked myself often. Or at least I've been asking all my friends how to be at peace with ones-self.  My sister just happened to send me a little quote this morning that made me think a little harder about this whole inner peace thing!!

Inner Peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. Quotes Sayings

 So just how do you do that?  People and events do not actually control our emotions...we allow them to control our emotions.  Through either fear, intimidation, low self esteem, lack of confidence just to name a few.  Without even thinking we often give this power to others to hold over us.  

Once I sprouted out to my soon to be ex that he had hurt my feelings.  Well the comment I got back was the last thing I expected: "I didn't hurt your feeling, I can't make you do did it to yourself."  Now that was an eye opener for me.  He was so right.  He may have said the words, but it was me that had initiated the hurt feelings because what he said mattered to me.  Wow...never again would I fall for that one. So how does one stop feeling the hurt or pain from words spoken by another...sometimes to inflict hurt and pain?  We learn to look at them as just what they are "words". 

 Do you remember the old "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"???? Yes that is it...that is just it they are words.  Often slung to inflict hurt and pain or to cover up what one has done. When you take them apart they just become letters.  Now last time I looked getting hit with a letter did not inflict any serious damage.  So if we let letters, or words control our emotions we will be denied that inner peace. We can look at them, dissect them and then decide if they are worth our time to even listen to them. Look at how they are delivered, how they are presented, how they were meant.  If any part of them came to you in a hurtful, disrespectful or angry manner...then we discard them and put them where they the trash.  We have a choice to listen to what people  say, we also have a choice to absorb what they say. If it brings harm to our emotion then we must put it aside.  No, we are not running away from these words we are choosing to not listen to them. 

As I have tried to teach my son, if you are a good Christian then you will talk, and act toward another Christian in a manner in which you would like to be talked to or be treated by them in return. if you are acting like a good Christian
then these words must not be meant for you.  So discard them,  delete them, pass them on to the recycle bin because they cannot control you from there.

Remember, we are the ones that control our inner peace, we are the ones that choose to not let another person or event control our emotions.  I think this is a must try....

1 comment:

Mad River Mud Pottery and Art Studio said...

Sorry I don't agree with words don't hurt. We are a product of the human condition, there for we have feelings and emotions and the brains to know when someone says something to intentionally hurt us. It's how we deal with the hurt that can makes or breaks us!